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Using temporary files with vitest

3 min read

Sometimes, we need to test code that interacts with the file system. To avoid conflicts between tests, we should use a temporary directory for each test. We can use the following function to create the temporary directory.

import fs from "node:fs/promises";
import os from "node:os";
import path from "node:path";
async function createTempDir() {
const ostmpdir = os.tmpdir();
const tmpdir = path.join(ostmpdir, "unit-test-");
return await fs.mkdtemp(tmpdir);

  • os.tmpdir() returns the system's temporary directory.
  • path.join() joins the temporary directory with a prefix.
  • fs.mkdtemp() adds a unique suffix to the path and creates the directory.

Now, we could use this function in our tests, for example, with the beforeEach hook.

let tmpdir: string = "";
beforeEach(async () => {
tmpdir = await createTempDir();

But if we do not want to fill up the disk with temporary directories, we should remove the directory after the test. We can use the afterEach hook for this.

afterEach(async () => {
await fs.rm(tmpdir, { recursive: true });

Now, we can use the tmpdir in our tests to create files and directories. However, if we have many tests, we need to repeat the beforeEach and afterEach hooks in each test file. We can improve this by extending the test context with the temporary directory.

Vitest context

We can extend the vitest context by passing an object to the test.extend function. The object contains a function for each property we want to add to the context. In our case, we want to add a tmpdir property to the context. The code looks like this:


import { test } from "vitest";
import os from "node:os";
import fs from "node:fs/promises";
import path from "node:path";
interface TmpDirFixture {
tmpdir: string;
async function createTempDir() {
const ostmpdir = os.tmpdir();
const tmpdir = path.join(ostmpdir, "unit-test-");
return await fs.mkdtemp(tmpdir);
export const tmpdirTest = test.extend<TmpDirFixture>({
tmpdir: async ({}, use) => {
const directory = await createTempDir();
await use(directory);
await fs.rm(directory, { recursive: true });

The tmpdir function receives the current context and a use function. The use function is utilized to provide the temporary directory to the test. The tmpdir function generates the temporary directory, passes it to the test, and deletes it after the test.

Now we can employ the tmpdir in our tests as follows:

import { tmpdirTest } from "./tmpdir";
tmpdirTest("create file", async ({ tmpdir }) => {
const file = path.join(tmpdir, "file.txt");
await fs.writeFile(file, "Hello, World!");
const content = await fs.readFile(file, "utf-8");
expect(content).toBe("Hello, World!");

That's it! Now we have a temporary directory for each test, and we do not have to repeat the beforeEach and afterEach hooks in each test file.

Posted in: vitest, fs, temp, typescript